Matcha Green Tea Powder and Leaves

We are a specialty Japanese matcha green tea store.

Japanese Matcha Green Tea Store Ochadokoro Sanwa

Try our recommended Green Tea set, winners of Australia Prize in theJapanese souvenir contest 2013 hosted by the Japan Tourism Agency.

Ingredients and Benefits of Drinking Green TeaIngredients and Benefits of Drinking Green Tea


Green tea contains a large number of ingredients.

Tannins (Catechins)

Tannins give green tea its astringent flavour. They have antioxidant and antibacterial properties, and also act as detoxicants.
Related products: Matcha(Koicha), Gyokuro


A bitter ingredient. While a stimulant, the caffeine in green tea also acts to relieve stress.
Related products: Gyokuro, Matcha(Koicha)

B Vitamins

Green tea contains B1, B2, niacin and pantothenic acid. B vitamins aid carbohydrate metabolism. They also promote secretion of digestive fluids and protect the mucous membranes.
Related products: Yame-cha(Sencha), Ureshino-cha(Tama-ryokuch)

Vitamin C

Green tea contains large amounts of vitamin C, which is resistant to heat. Five or six cups of green tea a day provides the body with all the vitamin C it needs. Vitamin C also prevents the formation of melanin, inhibits oxidation, and increases the body's resistance to disease.
Related products: Gyokuro, Matcha(Koicha)

Vitamin E

Green tea contains chemical compounds called tocopherols (more commonly known as Vitamin E), which are thought to have anti-aging properties.
Related products: Powdered tea, Matcha Green tea with sugar


An amino acid that produces an umami taste. The better the tea, the more theanine it contains.
Related products: Gyokuro No.1, Gyokuro No.2

Plant pigments

Among others, green tea contains green chlorophyll and yellow flavone compounds.


Green tea contains potassium, calcium, zinc, nickel, and molybdenum.


Green tea contains the most fluorine of any food or drink.
Related products: Tenka-ichi(Sencha), Sencha-Konacha


A special ingredient in green tea that has anti-inflammatory properties.
Related products: Hoji-cha, ARIMA(Sencha)


Health maintenance

When the body is healthy, blood is mildly alkaline. Drinking green tea as part of a daily diet of meat, fish, rice, and other acidic foods, can balance diet, maintain health and keep the body functioning smoothly.


The caffeine in green tea stimulates the central nervous system, improving alertness and also acting as a cardiotonic diuretic, which quickly expels alcohol from the body. Green tea can mitigate the affects of a hangover, with vitamin C working to strengthen the liver, which facilitates the breakdown of alcohol.

Prevention of lifestyle diseases

Eating excessive amounts of animal fats causes blood cholesterol levels to rise, which can lead to high blood pressure and other lifestyle diseases. The tannins in green tea suppress increases in bad cholesterol and are effective in preventing these kinds of diseases.

Relieving constipation

Drinking green tea on a daily basis can help to relieve chronic and habitual constipation, by activating the small intestine, encouraging regular bowel movements.
Related products: Powdered tea

Relieving fatigue

The caffeine in green tea acts on the central nervous system to improve cognitive ability, and relieve nervous tension and stress. It also stimulates cardiac action, improving cardiac function, and increasing blood in the kidneys, which promotes urination.

Relieving bad breath and preventing cavities

Tannins in green tea help to prevent germs from multiplying and prevent bad odors. Fluorine has been proven to create teeth that are resistant to cavities.

Preventing cancer

There is a great number of research which suggests that the combined effects of Tannins, saponins, and other mutation suppressants may prevent cancer. It is also known that incidence of death from stomach cancer is lower in green tea producing areas.

Reducing the affects of smoking

Cigarette smoke lowers the amount of vitamin C in the blood and the nicotine it contains adversely affects circulation. The Tannins and vitamin C in green tea reduce these harmful effects.

*1 The majority of these benefits are not immediately effective. Consuming large amounts of green tea at one time in the expectation of receiving these benefits is not recommended. Catechins, for example, irritate the stomach in the same way as caffeine. It is recommended that green tea is consumed on a daily basis while bearing these benefits in mind.

*2 These effects are medically and nutritionally supported, but are only provided for informational purposes. Consult your doctor if you have health problems.

How to make the perfect cup of green tea / matchaIngredients and Benefits of Drinking Green TeaVarieties of Green teaHistory of Green tea